Deutschsprachige Literaturempfehlungen
Deutschsprachige Literaturempfehlungen
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- Benedek, Wolfgang (2008), Menschenrechte verstehen. Handbuch zur Menschenrechtsbildung. ETC Graz (Hrsg.).
- Bielefeldt, Heiner (2007), Menschenrechte in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft. Plädoyer für einen aufgeklärten Multikulturalismus. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld.
- Kerber-Ganse, Waltraut (2009), Die Rechte des Kindes, Die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention und die Pädagogik von Janusz Korczak. Versuch einer Perspektivenverschränkung. Verlag Barbara Budrich, Opladen und Farmington Hills.
- Liebel, Manfred (2007), Wozu Kinderrechte – Grundlagen und Perspektiven. Juventa Verlag, Weinheim und München.
- Lohrenscheit, Claudia & Trisch, Oliver (2007), Unterrichtsmaterialien für die Menschenrechtsbildung an Schulen. Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte, Berlin.
- K. Peter Fritzsche (2009), Menschenrechte. Eine Einführung mit Dokumenten. Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn.
- K. Peter Fritzsche, Die Macht der Menschenrechte und die Schlüsselrolle der Menschenrechtsbildung. Download unter: - Kälin, Walter, Müller, Lars & Wyttenbach, Judith (2004), Das Bild der Menschenrechte. Lars Müller Publishers, Baden.
- Kittel, Claudia (2008), Kinderrechte. Ein Praxisbuch für Kindertageseinrichtungen. Kösel Verlag, München.
- Mahler, Claudia & Mihr, Anja (2004), Menschenrechtsbildung, Bilanz und Perspektiven, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden.
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- Boman, Julia (2006), Challenges to Democracy in Today’s Europe, Synthesis of plenary sessions and workshops, Europarat.
- Bradshaw, Jonathan & Benette, Fran (2004), Fifth Report on United Kingdom National Action Plan On Social Inclusion 2003 – 2005: Social Policy Research Unit, University of York, Heslington, York:
- Brocke Hartmut & Karsten, Andreas (2007), Zu einer gemeinsamen Kultur der Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Zivilgesellschaft und kommunaler Politik und Verwaltung, Centre Français de Berlin, Berlin.
- Building a Europe for and with Children: The facts about children and violence, Informationspaket, Europarat: - Building a Europe with and for Children, Vorbereitungsseminar für Kinder und Jugendliche: Europarat, Monaco 2006: - Catch Them Young, Recommendations on children’s participation, Ministry of Flemish Community Youth and Sport Division, Benelux, Brüssel 2004:
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- Children and Adolescents’ Health in Europe, Informationsblatt EURO/02/03: Weltgesundheitsorganisation 2003:
- Children and Disability in Transition in CEE/CIS: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florenz 2004: - Children and Young People’s Participation, CRIN Newsletter Nr. 16: Child Rights Information Network, Oktober 2002: - Children, Participation, Projects – How to make it work: Europarat 2004:
- Children’s Etiquette or How to Be Friends with Everybody: Croatian Union of Physically Disabled Persons Associations (CUPDPA), Zagreb 2002
- Children’s Health and Environment: Developing National Action Plans, Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Budapest 2004:
- Compendium of good practises in human rights education in the school system, including citizenship education and education for mutual respect and understanding:
- Council of Europe Actions to Promote Children’s Rights to Protection from All Forms of Violence: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florenz 2005
- Daly, Mary (2007) (ed.), Parenting in contemporary Europe: a positive approach: Europarat.
- Das Recht auf Gesundheit. Weltgesundheitsorganisation (2002).
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- Delors, Jacques (1996), Learning: the Treasure Within: Report to UNESCO of the International Commissionon Education for the Twenty-first Century: UNESCO Publishing:
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- Empfehlung Rec(2006)19 des Ministerkomitees an die Mitgliedsstaaten für eine Politik zur Unterstützung positiver Elternschaft. Europarat 2006:
- Empfehlung Rec(2006)12 des Ministerkomitees an die Mitgliedsstaaten für das Fitmachen von Kindern für die neue Informations- und Kommunikationsumgebung. Europarat 2006
- Empfehlung Nr. R(81)18 des Ministerkomitees an die Mitgliedsstaaten zur Bürgerbeteiligung am kommunalen öffentlichen Leben, Europarat 1981:
- Ending Child Poverty within the EU? A review of the 2006 – 08 national reports on strategies for social protection and social inclusion: Eurochild 2007:
- Erklärung über die Beseitigung der Gewalt gegen Frauen: Entschließung 48/104 von 20 der Generalversammlung: UNESCO 1993: - European Strategy for Child and Adolescent Health and Development: Weltgesundheitsorganisation 2005: - Explanatory Report on Policy to Support Positive Parenting, 983 Meeting of European Committee for Social Cohesion, CM (2006)194 add: Europarat, Dezember 2006
- Family Guide to the Internet: Barnardos’ National Children’s Resource Centres, 2004
- Flaquer, Lluis (2005), Poverty in Southern Europe: Barcelona, Institute of Childhood and Urban World, Sociology Department, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona: - Flowers, Nancy (2000), The Human Rights Education Handbook: University of Minnesota Human Rights Center: - Forbrig, Jörg (2005), Revisiting youth political participation, Council of Europe Publishing: - Forced Labour, Child Labour and Human Trafficking in Europe: An ILO Perspective: Internationales Arbeitsamt, Brüssel 2002:
- Fountain, Susan, Peace Education in UNICEF: UNICEF 1999:
- Franklin, Bob (2001), Handbook of Children’s Rights: Routledge.
- Frau-Meigs, Divina (2006), Council of Europe Pan-European Forum on Human Rights in the Information Society: Empowering Children and Young People: Europarat: - Gandini, Leila, Edward, Carolyn &, Forman, George (1998) (eds.), The Hundred Languages of Children: The Reggio Emilia Approach Advanced Reflections: Ablex / Greenwood.
- Gender Matters – A manual on addressing gender-based violence with young people: Europarat 2007.
- Gentile, Douglas A. & Walsch, David A. (2002), A normative study of family media and habits in Applied Developmental Psychology 23, S. 157– 178: National Institute on Media and the Family, 2002: - Gittins, Chris (2006), Violence reduction in Schools – How to make a difference: Europarat.
- Gozdik-Ormel, Zaneta (2007), Have your say! Manual on the Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life: Europarat.
- Gollob, Rolf & Kraft, Peter (2006), Exploring Children’s Rights: lesson sequences for primary schools: Straßburg, Education for Democratic Citizenship: Source/Pdf/Documents/2006_17_ExploringChildreensRights_En.pdf - Gollob, Rolf & Kampf, Peter (2007), Exploring Children’s Rights, Nine projects for primary level, Europarat.
- Handbook for Parliamentarians: The Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings: Europarat 2007: - Hantaris, Linda, Philipov, Dimiter & Billari, Francesco C (2006), Policy implications of changing family formation (Population studies Nr. 49): Europarat.
- Hart, Roger (1992), Ladder of Participation, Children’s Participation: From Tokenism to Citizenship: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre.
- Howe, Brian (2005), ‚Citizenship Education for Child Citizens‘, Canadian and International Education Journal, Band 34, Nr. l:, S. 42 – 49
- Huster, Ernst U., Benz, Benjamin, & Boeckh, Jurgen (2004), Implementation of the National Action Plan of Germany against Poverty and Social Exclusion (NAPincl) on the Regional and Local Level: Second report 2004 of the non-governmental experts: Bochum: - Innocenti Social Monitor 2006: Understanding Child Poverty in South-eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, 2006:–20061018.pdf - Kampagne zur Bekämpfung der Gewalt gegen Frauen, Informationsblatt. Europarat 2006 - Kennedy, Margaret (1995), Rights for Children Who Are Disabled, in The Handbook of Children’s Rights: Routledge, London.
- Kein, Reva (2001), Citizens by Right, Citizenship education in primary schools: Trentham Books und Save the Children.
- Kovacheva, Siyka (2005), ‚Will Youth Rejuvenate the Patterns of Political Participation?‘ Forbrig, Jörg (Hg.), in: Revisiting Youth Political Participation, Challenges for research and democratic practise in Europe, Council of Europe Publishing.
- Krappmann, Lothar (2006), „The Rights of the Child as a Challenge to Human Rights Education“. In: Journal of Social Science Education: Bielefeld:
- Krieger, Huber (2004)t, Family Life in Europe: Results of recent surveys on quality of life in Europe, Vorlage für die Irische Präsidentschaftskonferenz ‚Families, change and social policy in Europe‘, Dublin:
- Learning to Listen, Core Principles for the Involvement of Children and Young People: Department of Education and Skills, Children’s and Young People’s Unit, UK, 2001: - Linddal Hansen, Birthe (2006), Consumer children 2016, Europarat: - Livingstone, Sonia & Bober, Magdalena (2005), UK Children Go Online: Final report of key project findings: Economic and Social Research Council: - Making Rights A Reality, Gender awareness workshops: Amnesty International 2004:$File/ACT7703504.pdf
- Malta National Action Plan on Poverty and Social Exclusion 2004 – 2006:
- Masterman, Len & Mariet, François (1994), L’education aux Media dans 1’Europe des Annies 90: un guide pour les enseignants: Europarat.
- May-Chahal, Corinne & Herczog, Maria (2003), Child sexual abuse in Europe: Europarat.
- Minoff, Elisa (2006), The UK Commitment: Ending Child Poverty by 2020: Center for Law and Social Policy, Washington DC:
- Myers-Walls, Judith A. (2002), Talking to Children about Terrorism and Armed Conflict: Vol.7, No.l, 2002: North Carolina State Forum for Family and Consumer Issues: - O’Connell, Rachel & Bryce, Jo (2006), Young people, well-being and risk on-line, Council of Europe: - Piette, Jacques (1996), Education aux Media et Fonction Critique: L’Harmattan, Paris.
- Play it Right! Human Rights Toolkit for Summer Camps in the City of Montreal: Equitas, International Centre for Human Rights Education, 2006:
- Promoting Children’s Participation in Democratic Decision making: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florenz 2001:
- Promoting Gender Mainstreaming in Schools, Final Report of the Group of Specialists. EG-S-GS (2004) RAP FIN Council of Europe, 2004:
- Ramberg, Ingrid (2005), Citizenship Matters: the participation of young women and minorities in Euro-Med youth projects, Seminarbericht, Council of Europe Publishing.
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- Richardson, Janice (2006) (ed.), The Internet Literacy Handbook: A guide for parents, teachers and young people, 2. Auflage, Strasbourg, Europarat: - Sex-Disaggregated Statistics on the Participation of Women and Men in Political and Public Decision making in Council of Europe member states, Leitungskomitee zur Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann (CDEG): Doc. CDEG (2006) 15, Europarat 2006: - Seven Good Reasons for Building a Europe with and for Children: Europarat 2006: - Singleton, Lianne, Discovering Democracy, Teaching democracy in the primary school: - Sutton, Faye (1999), The School Council – A Children’s Guide, Save the Children.
- The Council of Europe Campaign to Combat Violence against Women, Including Domestic Violence, Fact sheet: Europarat 2006:
- The Future of Democracy in Europe, Trends, analysis and reforms, Green Paper for the Council of Europe, Council of Europe, 2004:
- The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education: UNESCO, Salamanca, 1994:
- Thun, Eva (2002), Gender Stereotypes in the School, Hirnok Feminist Internetportal, Ungarn.
- Titley, Gavan (2003), Youth work with Boys and Young Men as a means to prevent violence in everyday life, Europarat.
- Torney-Purta, Judith et al. (2001), Citizenship and Education in Twenty-Eight Countries: Civic knowledge and engagement at age fourteen: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, Amsterdam.
- Tous les Enfants du Monde ont le Droit: Editions Fleurus Presse, UNICEF Frankreich 2007
- Vierte Ministerkonferenz über Umwelt und Gesundheit: Children’s Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe: World Health Organisation, 2004:
- Violence against Children in Europe, A preliminary review of research: UNICEF, Innocenti Research Centre, Florenz 2005
- Vorbereitungsseminar für Kinder und Jugendliche für die Konferenz „Building a Europe with and for Children“, Abschlussbericht, Europarat, 2006
- Working to Prevent the IT-Related Sexual Exploitation of Children: Save the Children, Dänemark
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